We are out just talking to people about stay-at-home moms versus working moms.
Do you think that your life would be different if your mom was a stay-at-home mom?
No because my mom was very much a working woman and that was where she was her best and actually learned a lot from that and the kind of a business at my own company and that’s I probably am more like my mother in that sense in her business client.
I’m definitely glad my mom was a stay-at-home mom because in the long run I mean right now me and her have is such a close relationship and I’m really thankful for that and I think if she worked we wouldn’t have that and I wouldn’t be as close with …
Stay-at-home moms versus working moms – do you guys have an opinion on who may work harder working?
Working moms have a heart because they have to bounce raising their children and you know …
I think working moms just because I mean they have more on their plate than stay-at-home moms.
I’ve been a single mother of four kids for eleven years now I’ve been I’ve had a profession a career for all for most of that time and so personally I have to say that I do everything that a stay-at-home mom does plus everything that a dad does typically and so just because of my personal circumstances I have to say I work my rear off.
I would say so too.
I think it’s just as hard to be a stay-home-mom as it is to be working long because you have to take care of your kids you have to do so many things at home I don’t think a lot of people realize how hard it is.
Probably stay-at-home moms
I would say stay-at-home just because you’re with your child a long time and those children are hard.
Stay home mom there’s no clocking out it’s the 24 hour job
Kids are just as crazy as everybody you have to work with work.
They’re actually both pretty about the same because the stay-home-mom there’s a lot of work that’s got to be done a lot of schedules keeping and go down working it takes a lot of time too.
At friends moms at work and are almost more involved at the home then a lot of stay-at-home moms I’ve known so I think it just kind of depends on who’s doing it.
So with your mom working and your dad working as well how did they share the responsibility it’s not at that dynamic workout?
It’s called “pass it on to the kids.” At old siblings and they did a lot of the cooking and the cleaning but they everything else they pretty much split fifty-fifty.
I think when both parents are then the father does pitch in more just because it’s kind of more equal but I feel like when it’s a stay-at-home mom she does a lot more.
It isn’t one job or the other person’s job if you have the ability to take care of the house it is both your names are on it so accept whatever role it is.
I think they should both share the responsibilities I mean it takes two parents to raise a child I don’t think one should be any more important than the other.
I would think that it would be even no matter what kind of do different chores like the mom stays in the house or even just mom does the lawn maybe she wants to mow the lawn and he could stay in and do the laundry you know so I think that it should be even either way but you know.
I agree. Sometimes the men just need a little reminder though, right?
Is this your child? So how do you guys balance that? Do you work?
Yeah, I stayed at home for a little while and I had to go back I couldn’t handle it I needed some some adults talk I needed some way to not be mom all the time.
As a man, do you look for a woman that wants to stay home or work?
It kind of depends on what she wants like obviously this little girl next to me she’s pretty ambitious and I definitely want her to accomplish her dream but if her dream is to be stay-at-home mom then I’m all for it.
Sometimes guys are like I really want somebody that’s just gonna stay at home and raise my babies, you know? Would you … ?
I’m not really OK with that kind of deal-breaker for me.
So if you were married and your husband wanted you to stay at home, would you or would you want to make the decision on your own?
I would want to make that decision on my own just because I am kind of I’m independent.
What do you guys want for your family, you guys, think that you’ll choose to be a stay-at-home mom or working mom?
I’d rather be a stay-home-mom because it just seems to be easier.
I know that I’m gonna want to work when my kids are in school and be home as much as I can while their home.
So when you think about it do you aspire to be a working mom or stay at home mom?
I want to be a doctor … so yeah …
You go girl!
Yeah, I would rather be with my children then you know send them to a daycare or something I think it’s personable and it works out better in the long run for the kids so …
Would you guys ever consider having you stay at home and you go to work?
We’ve actually done that before I’ve been a stay-at-home dad before I liked it.
That’s definitely something I’ve thought about I actually love kids and I’m pretty good with kids so it wouldn’t be a problem for me but again it’s just whatever everyone’s happiest with I’m happiest with this.
Do you want to be a doctor and work really hard would you be okay with your husband staying home?
I would be okay with that, yeah. I would be fine as long as he was like good at cooking, I guess.
That’s the dynamic in our family, too. I can see how I like that. It works for us.
It shouldn’t matter whether you’re a man or a woman at home or working whatever fits your family dynamic whatever works in your relationship with your own children is what should work for you.
I think also like being a mom there’s a lot of crap we put a lot of pressure on ourselves so whatever you feel most comfortable with I stay home and I’m better working so personally that was best for me so we need to take care of ourselves as moms.
Yeah, I loved the different dynamics on, you know, it doesn’t really matter boy or girl like mom or dad it just depends on the dynamic and what you’ve works best for you. Some women hate to stay home it drives them crazy some women hate going to work because that it drives me crazy so it really just depends.